What We Believe

"What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." - A.W. Tozer

Core Beliefs

The following are the core beliefs of Epic House based on the foundational truths taught in the bible. All of our teaching and ministry is rooted in and flows out of these biblical doctrines.

Epic Battle

WE were born into an Epic Battle between good and evil. The war has been won by Jesus, but the battle rages on until He comes again.

The Holy Trinity

WE are deeply loved by One good and holy God who has revealed Himself in Three Divine Persons we can know: The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit —called The Holy Trinity.

The Bible

WE have an Owner’s Manual called The Bible that’s 100 percent true. In the Bible, God gives wisdom, guidance, comfort and instructions on how much He loves us and how we can grow in our love for Him and for others and live with purpose and hope.

The Devil

WE have an adversary, called The Devil, who is wicked to the core and constantly schemes with his minions called demons, to steal, kill and destroy us and all that is good.


WE are all born with a deadly spiritual disease called Sin, which causes us to agree with the devil at times and sin.  Left untreated, Sin will leave us broken in this life and ultimately eternally separated from God when we die in a place called Hell.  

Jesus Christ

WE have a real superhero in Jesus Christ, who has existed eternally as God, the Son, who came from heaven to be born a human being. He lived a perfect life, died for all our sins and rose from the grave to beat death.

Eternal Life

WHEN we put our faith in Jesus Christ, we are forgiven of all our sins and given the gift of Eternal Life, which most often makes our lives better now, but guarantees us paradise with God in heaven forever when we die.

His Church

WE are called to a divine purpose to serve on mission with Jesus to bring hope and healing to the world. As a part of His Church we seek out others who don’t know Him, make disciples and build His kingdom on Earth.

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