Evangelizing Nations – Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” — that word for nations in the original language is ethnos.  We get the word ethnicity from that word.   EPIC is focused on reaching different ethnic groups with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Sharing the good news is primary to the EPIC mission.   Thousands of people accept Jesus for the first time on EPIC mission trips.
Planting Churches – Jesus said “I will build my church….”  We believe that, and we know planting churches is the single most effective means to reach and disciple people.
Inspiring Indigenous Pastors – We believe the best pastors in Africa are indigenous pastors, and we have found that many indigenous pastors lack training to grow healthy churches.  So, EPIC does church leadership conferences in remote villages to inspire and train pastors who travel great distances to learn how to better lead their church. Learn more about these pastors.
Creating Disciples by Taking Teams – When your average American Christian goes on a two week EPIC mission, their faith is so tested and stretched that it becomes more real than ever before. All team members share the Gospel individually with target people groups and lead many to Jesus for the first time.  Most have never done this before and get to experience what only five percent of believers intentionally do—lead someone to Jesus.  Mission team members truly become disciples and their lives are radically transformed!

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